Essendene Lodge School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

2 - 11
Other independent school
Not Rated

How Does The School Perform?

Independent Inspection
Full Report - All Reports

Independent preparatory schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum or submit test results to the Department for Education so there is no individual school performance data or star rating.

Visit the school's website to learn more about their unique curriculum, policies on testing and common leaver destinations (a good indicator of pupil progress). See our About page for information on Choosing A Prep School.

Boarding Type
Scholarship Status
Day Fees Per Term
Pupils with SEN support
Essendene Road
01883 348349

School Description

Essendene Lodge was established as an independent school in 1966. It is situated in a quiet residential area close to Caterham Village in Surrey. The school is separated into three different departments: the pre-school (2 to 4 years), which was not the subject of this inspection; the infants (4 to 7 years); and the juniors (8 to 11 years). In the Infant Department all National Curriculum subjects are taught and children take part in Key Stage 1 national tests at the end of Year 2. In the Junior Department pupils are taught a wider range of subjects. They also have the opportunity to attend residential trips involving activities such as abseiling, rock climbing, quad biking and field studies. There are currently 125 children aged from 5 to 11 years on roll. Pupils attend the school from the local area and wider community. There are a few pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. The school also supports a small number of pupils for whom English is not their mother tongue, although most of them are advanced bilingual learners. Summary of main findings Essendene Lodge is a good school that has many outstanding features. The school’s ethos engenders a family atmosphere in a professional learning environment. The school has a strong culture for promoting and celebrating the achievement and progress made by its pupils. The high standards set and clear vision for the school’s continued development are assured by the effective partnership between the principal and headteacher, supported by a strong management team. One of the parents wrote that the ‘school is run with passion and children are top priority’. The school provides high quality education and support for its pupils. The curriculum which incorporates all subjects of the National Curriculum is enriched and enhanced by extra-curricular activities, educational trips and visits. An emphasis on the development of reflective skills results in pupils having consideration and regard for each other. Pupils are well aware of their responsibilities and older pupils have opportunities to take responsibility within the school in order to promote independence and self-discipline. What the school does well:  the staff work together effectively as a team, along with other visitors, providing high quality teaching and support, which enable pupils to learn effectively and fulfil their potential;  there are very good relationships between the staff and pupils based on mutual respect, and the behaviour and the attitudes of pupils are exemplary;  all staff have high expectations of the pupils, which are based on good knowledge of their needs, abilities and progress;  communication within the school and throughout its wider community are very good;  the school incorporates innovative teaching techniques and resources with the more established methods to make learning interactive, enjoyable and meaningful; and  the senior leadership team provides excellent leadership and management that enable the school to provide very effectively for the pupils and to be able to develop the provision so that the quality of education continues to improve.

Essendene Lodge School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating

“Highly recommend!”

My son joined Essendene in Year 1 having had an absolutely terrible start to schooling. In hindsight, I wish my son had started preschool at Essendene. From starting as a child with no confidence in a school environment, he has become a child who is flourishing with learning tailored around his abilities and needs. I would highly recommend Essendene to anyone looking for an environment which develops children to be rounded individuals with the right balance of nuture, discipline, values and education. Both my husband and I wish we had the opportunity as children to have attended Essendene and wish it would extend beyond Year 6.
“Not great”

The preschool teacher is great. However, in my opinion as a current partner, there is not enough communication between key workers and parents. I have no idea what my child has done throughout her day when I pick her up. I am also concerned about the lack of trees and grass.
“Lovely school”

My son attended Essendene Lodge School from pre school until the end of year 3. It's a wonderful school. My boy transformed from being a shy child to a confident, outgoing kid and I truly believe that the school played a big part in that. It's small and may not look pretty due to a lack of sweeping lawns and acres of space but my many years experience of this school were always positive and, more importantly, it's full of happy, thriving children. I still recommend it to parents looking for a classic education in a nurturing environment.
“Amazing start!”

It is with some surprise that I read the above comments. My family 's experience could not be more different! We have just started at this school and I have been so impressed by the staff and leadership of the school. They create a caring and nurturing environment for the children to learn in. My children have become more confident learners and they are making amazing progress because of it. Surely this is the most important element of a school not the size of the class or the amount of grass. All these were issues you can see on a prospective visit around the school. I would happily give five stars and I suggest any prospective parents come and look at the school and meet the children, then you can make up your own minds.
“Essendene Lodge Review”

As a parent of a current pupil, I would say beware. Essendene Lodge will sell you a wonderful story about small class sizes and friendly/family-like environment but, in my experience, this is not always the reality. I was told there would be two full time teachers in Reception but am only aware of one assistant helping in the mornings. Also, parents were promised one-on-one time with a teacher everyday but, according to my son's reading log, there was a period last year when nobody read with him for four weeks. One of my other concerns is that there is no cafeteria and there doesn’t appear to be sufficient inside space for the kids to play so my son eats, learns, and plays in the same room all day. I feel stuck here. I am giving it 2 stars, however, because the pre-school teacher is excellent.
Your rating:
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  • Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’
  • Do back up your opinion with examples or clear reasons but, remember, it’s your opinion not fact.
  • Don’t use bad or aggressive language.
  • Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. Individual complaints should be directed to the school.
  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
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News, Photos and Open Days from Essendene Lodge School

Last update: 13 November 2021

Welcome to Essendene Lodge School. We are a small, established family owned and family friendly school in the heart of Caterham. Our aim is to ensure that children are happy, successful and motivated learners. Our purpose is to provide educational excellence coupled with high expectation so that all can reach their potential. We pride ourselves on the happy, safe and caring learning atmosphere so that boys and girls can really enjoy school. We offer our pupils’ a wide range of activities and opportunities designed to promote excellence, success, confidence and self-esteem; these include music, drama, sports and languages.

We combine tradition with technology as all classes are installed with interactive boards which are extensively used as a teaching and learning tool. A great deal of attention is paid to the teaching of traditional values such as kindness, good manners, team work and mutual respect. We are an inclusive school and our commitment to small class sizes means learning can be personalised to meet the needs of the individual. The teachers are fully qualified, committed and dedicated to ensure all children succeed in a happy learning environment. We have the highest expectations of ourselves enabling us to have the same high expectations of our children. This is the reason our pupils consistently achieve high results for entrance into local independent and Grammar Schools.

Pupils, parents and staff take pride in being a part of the Essendene Community, a community where we all know each other. We believe in working in partnership with parents/carers so that children can have the best possible start to their learning journey. Our recent inspection report highlighted many excellent features across the school. The inspectors noted “In the EYFS, children make excellent progress in relation to their starting points and capabilities, with most, including those requiring additional support exceeding the Early Learning Goals by the age of five.”  Also, “the quality of pupils achievement is excellent’  with  pupils achieving  ‘well beyond the expectation for their age in reading, writing and mathematics.”  Our excellent pastoral care was noted for “providing a stimulating educational experience for its pupils within a nurturing environment.”

The website will give you a flavour of our core values but we would urge you to come and see us in action, meet the friendly pupils and staff, we are sure you will not be disappointed. If you would like to visit, then please contact us for an appointment and you can be assured of a very warm welcome. We would love to show you around the school we are so proud of, we hope to see you soon!

Essendene Lodge School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.